Convention over Git = CoG
Convention over Git or CoG influences on automated conflict solving during automated synchronization of remote Git repositories. Naming convention The Convention over Git uses naming to define owners of Git-branches. More often I use prefixed names for this. I.e. each remote Git repository owns its prefix. (It allows for all non-fast-forward Git-conflicts to be solved in favor of a prefix owner.) Examples Let's say one team uses prefix "company1/". (Git allows you have slashes in branch names) And another team uses "company2-". For this we may have flogging synchronized Git-branches. company1/develop vs company2-develop company1/JIRA-123 vs company2-JIRA-321 or simply company1/my-cool-feature company2-my-bug-fixing So, a naming convention in Git can be any conventional separation of names. It depends on you implementation. I use prefixes in my implementations. Results Conventions over Git gives many advantages and drastically ...
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